​Energy Price Rises: How to Save Money on Your Heating Bill

The price of gas and electricity in the UK has already risen sharply for many homes, and it’s continuing to rise over the coming months. With manufacturing and distribution of gas supplies continuing to be strained because of lockdowns, it’s putting immense pressure on suppliers, and prices are going up as a result. If you’re worried about your gas bill going up this year, here are some ways you can help keep your bills down in Eastbourne.

home insullation

​Insulate your home

Loft insulation is one of the most effective ways to save energy and will mean you need your heating on significantly less. Over a third of heat loss in uninsulated homes is through the walls, while a quarter is through the roof.

It’s also cheaper than you might think. A mid-terrace will cost around £285 for loft insulation, and there are programs in place to help with the costs if you qualify.

Turn down the heat

Turning down your heating by just 1℃ will save around £55 a year on your heating bill. That may not seem like a lot, but the more you can keep your heating down, the more you can save.

To make sure your family is still comfortable at home, keep all your doors shut and invest in some cheap draft excluders to trap heat in rooms. You could also think about turning the radiators off in rooms that don’t get used as often.

Although it’s good to save money, you shouldn’t let your home drop below 16℃ – this can be a health risk.

Cook in bulk

Cooking accounts for around 30% of our household energy use since we usually need our gas stoves and electric ovens to make meals.

You can improve the cost-effectiveness of your cooking by making meals less frequently in bulk. This reduces the amount of gas you use with your cooker and other kitchen appliances.

Use the sun

As the weather begins to get slightly less dark and dreary, we’re seeing a little more sun across the UK. During the day, open up your blinds and curtains and allow the sun to naturally heat up your rooms. You’ll be surprised what a difference it can make letting natural light into your home.

At night, close your blinds and curtains to block out the cold temperatures and trap the heat in the home through the night.

Get your boiler serviced in Eastbourne

When was the last time you got your boiler checked? You’ll save money on your gas bills if your boiler is running efficiently. At Abacus Flame, we provide affordable boiler servicing to make sure our client’s boilers are running as they should. Having this simple, quick check will also help minimise the risk of a costly breakdown in the future.

If you’d like to book a boiler service with our team, call us today on 01323 648 083 or email us at info@abacusflame.co.uk.

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